


ARTICLE I.             NAME

The name of this organization shall be the Pensacola State College Chapter of the Association of Florida Colleges.



The Purpose of the Pensacola State College Chapter of the AFC shall be to more actively involve individual members at the college in carrying out the goals and purposes of the Association at the local level. To this end, the Chapter shall endeavor.


  1. To promote increased communication and interaction among all employees and trustees at the college.
  2. To provide a forum for the discussion of issues that are of interest or importance to the entire college family, including, but not limited to, legislative concerns.
  3. To serve as a college AFC membership committee by assisting the membership chairperson with the organization and execution of the annual membership campaign.
  4. To establish an election procedure for the selection of delegates to the Assembly      of Delegates and voting representatives to each commission, as provided in the AFC bylaws.
  5. To serve as a comprehensive professional organization for anyone employed by, or associated with Pensacola State College.
  6. To democratically represent the interests of all members, and to provide leadership in seeking solutions to matters of college concerns.
  1. To play an active role in promoting legislation beneficial to the college system and to disseminate information regarding pertinent legislation.
  1. To promote public understanding and support of the Florida college system.


In view of these goals, and in order to further promote these goals, the Chapter is hereby precluded from becoming involved in the collective bargaining process.  The divergent groups represented by AFC and the legal and professional obligations of these groups mandate the Chapter cannot and will not participate in collective negotiations as a representative of either management or labor.  Neither will the Chapter advocate nor will it oppose participation by any group of college employees in collective negotiation with the college.




Section 1.      Voting membership in this Chapter is open to all employees, full and part-time, retirees, trustees, and Pensacola State College district employees.


Section 2.      Non-voting associate membership is open to individuals whose professional or educational activities area closely related to the functions of Pensacola State College.


Section 3.      Honorary membership may be conferred by a two-thirds vote in the affirmative by the members present at a regular meeting.




Section 1.      Elective Officers – The elected officers of this Chapter will be the President, President-Elect, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Membership-Elect, Secretary, Secretary-Elect, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Legislative Representatives, and the Publications Representatives.  The President-Elect will assume the office of the President at the end of the President’s term or in the event of a vacancy in the office of the President.  In case of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, the Chapter membership shall elect a President-Elect in accordance with the special election procedures established by their Executive Committee.


Section 2.  Executive Committee – The elected officers and the immediate Past-President will constitute the Executive Committee of this Chapter.


Section 3.  Nominating Committee -The Executive Committee will elect a nominating committee of five members not later than September 1 of each year.  It shall be the duty of this committee to canvass all members to ascertain whether individual members are interested in serving as a chapter officer and to place in nomination at least two candidates, where possible, for each of the elected offices except the office of President. The report of the nominating committee shall be circulated to the membership not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the election chapter meeting established by the chapter membership for elections of officers.  Nominations may be made from the floor providing the consent of the nominee has been secured in advance.


Section 4.  Terms of Office – The officers shall be elected by the general membership and shall assume office on January 1 following the election.  Election shall be by ballot with each member entitled to one vote.  A majority of chapter members voting shall be sufficient for elections.  Officers will serve a term of one year.


Section 5.  Vacancies – The President, with consent of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a member to fill any vacancy that has less than one-half of its term of office remaining.  Vacancies in which the term of office is one-half or more shall be filled by special election.  The Executive Committee shall establish procedures for special elections.  Vacancy of the Presidency shall be filled according to Article IV, Section 1.



Section 1.      President – The President shall call and preside at chapter meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee; make appointments of chapter committees and officials; represent the Chapter in official matters; and authorize the expenditure and payment of any chapter funds which have not been accounted for in the approved budget of the Chapter.  With the approval of the Executive Committee, the President shall perform such other tasks as are deemed essential to the welfare of the Chapter.


Section 2.  President-Elect – The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence or disability.  This officer will have the primary responsibilities of organizing and supervising the selection of the annual conference delegates.  He/she shall also perform additional duties as assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 3.  Immediate Past-President – The Past-President will serve as a consultant and advisor, and will perform other duties as assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 4.  Vice President of Membership – The Vice President of Membership shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating the annual AFC membership campaign and for providing to the AFC Executive Director a current listing of all AFC members at the college.  This officer shall appoint a three-member committee to serve membership needs – one member to be appointed from Milton, Pensacola, and Warrington campuses.  In addition, this officer shall perform those duties assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 5.  Vice President of Membership-Elect – The Vice President of Membership-Elect will assist the Vice President of Membership and perform the duties of the Vice President of Membership during his/her absence or disability.  He/she shall also perform additional duties as assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 6.  Secretary – The Secretary will be responsible for recording and disseminating the minutes of membership and Executive Committee meetings and shall be the custodian of the minutes and records of the Chapter.  This officer will keep a register of current chapter members and shall call the roll when required.  Further, this officer shall conduct correspondence of the Chapter and maintain a correspondence file and a list of all standing and ad hoc committees.  In addition, this officer will perform those duties assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 7.  Secretary-Elect – The Secretary-Elect will assist the Secretary and perform the duties of the Secretary during the Secretary’s absence or disability.  He/she shall perform additional duties as assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 8.  Treasurer – The Treasurer receives and deposits funds of the Chapter in the chapter bank account.  This officer forwards chapter dues of members to the state AFC office, maintains a current chapter membership roster and disburses funds as authorized by the President and/or Executive Committee.  Further, this officer provides accurate reports of receipts and disbursements to the Executive Committee and the general membership upon inquiry and in a written annual report submitted at the December membership meeting.  In addition, this officer performs other duties as assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 9.  Treasurer-Elect – The Treasurer-Elect will assist the Treasurer and perform the duties of the Treasurer in his/her absence or disability.  He/she will perform additional duties as assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 10.  Legislative Representatives – The Legislative Representatives shall serve as a link between the AFC Legislative Committee and the chapter membership on all matters pertaining to legislation affecting community colleges.  Further, this officer shall disseminate all pertinent legislative information to the membership and coordinate any chapter activities concerned with informing the legislative delegation about legislation affecting the colleges.  In addition, this officer shall perform such additional duties as assigned by the Chapter President.


Section 11.  Publications Representatives -The Publications Representatives shall receive all copies of AFC publications for distribution to the members of the Chapter and shall be responsible for news and information notices in college publications and local news media.  This officer shall be responsible for coordinating chapter publicity and promotional campaigns to promote employee and public understanding and support of the AFC and the Florida college system and to promote increased communication and interaction among all employees and trustees at the college.  In addition, this officer shall perform those duties assigned by the Chapter President.




Section 1.      Regular Meetings – Regular meetings are to be held at a time and place established by the Executive Committee.  Meetings are to be announced at least one week prior to the meeting day. There shall be at least four chapter meetings per year, one of which to be during the Fall term for elections. A quorum at any scheduled meeting of the general membership shall consist of the paid chapter members present, providing that this number is not less than ten percent of the paid Chapter membership.


Section 2.  Special Meetings – Special meetings are to be called by the Executive Board as needed.


ARTICLE VII:          EXECUTIVE BOARD             


Section 1.      Composition – The Executive Board shall consist of the current President, President-Elect, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Membership-Elect, Secretary, Secretary-Elect, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, immediate Past-President of the Chapter, Publications Representatives, Legislative Representatives, and Committee Chairpersons.


Section 2.  Duties of the Executive Board – The Board will be available to provide advice and consultation to the President on matters of interest to the Chapter. Plan the agenda for regular meetings of the Chapter as appropriate. Review proposals form the state organization and develop and recommend policies pertaining to the Chapter as appropriate. Develop other policy recommendations concerning Chapter affairs and submit them to the Chapter as appropriate. Approve expenditures exceeding $100.00. Assist the Membership Committee.


Section 3.  A quorum shall consist of at least a majority plus one of those enrolled on the Executive Committee.




Committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the Chapter President or the Executive Board deem necessary to carry on the work of the Chapter.




Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall be used as a guide for matters not covered herein or in the state by-laws.


Section 1.  Amendments may be offered in writing to the Chapter secretary at any meeting of the Chapter, but may not be voted upon until the next succeeding Chapter meeting.  Proposed chapter bylaws amendments will be distributed with the regular notice of Chapter meetings.


Section 2.  The Chapter bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a Chapter meeting, provided 10 percent of the paid chapter membership is present.




Section 1.  The following commissions are established to carry out activities consistent with the purposes of AFC:

  • Administration
  • Adult and Continuing Education
  • Career and Professional Employees
  • Communications & Marketing
  • Equity
  • Facilities
  • Faculty
  • Global Initiatives
  • Health Care
  • Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Professional Development
  • Instructional Innovation
  • Learning Resources
  • Occupation & Workforce Education
  • Retirees
  • Rural Campuses
  • Student Development
  • Technology
  • Trustees


Section 2.  Commission representatives will be elected during the spring term. The exception will be the appointment of the Trustee representatives who will be appointed by the President of the College.


Section 3. Duties of Commission Representatives – The elected Commission Representatives will attend all meetings of the particular commission at the annual AFCconvention as financial resources permit. Attend other state meetings during the year as necessary to represent their particular commission as financial resources permit. Disseminate information to the Chapter membership as appropriate. Organize a chapter commission, as interest of employees deem necessary.




Delegates to the Assembly of Delegates will be elected each year at the September regular meeting in accordance with AFC state bylaws.  The newly elected officers will be delegates by virtue of election.  Members holding state offices shall, likewise, serve as delegates.  The Nominating Committee shall propose to the general membership a slate of nominees for the remaining convention delegates and five alternate delegates.  Alternates will attend the state convention in the event of increased membership or if an elected delegate is unable to attend.  Previous service to the Chapter shall be criteria for nomination to attend the convention.




This document was modified January 20, 2011, by the Executive Board to reflect name changes.

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